Andy Moumtzo
Born in Hellas, 1970
1988-1992 Studied at the Houston University, TX
II’ve born in Thessaloniki, Hellas. I’ve studied at the Houston University and I took the Degree in Graphical Environments, my next studies were primary at Dimitreli Organization and I continue my studies at Tameside College of Technology at Manchester were I took my Mater. In the years that followed I expertized in media and specifically at 3D Modelling-Animation. I took my second master at NY Film Academy in the sector of direction at 2010. For plenty of years I’ve worked to a wide range of companies (including TV Stations) where I had the chance and the privilege to work next to very high level professionals. Finally I relocate at 2012 in Liverpool were I establish my company Aesthisis which is involved at post productions for small-medium companies, education for young people in the edge of the technology, social media advertisements through the engines of YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter, with our team of expertize who are eligible and glad to improve and extend the abilities and possibilities of your companyI’ve born in Thessaloniki, Hellas. I’ve studied at the Houston University and I took the Degree in Graphical Environments, my next studies were primary at Dimitreli Organization and I continue my studies at Tameside College of Technology at Manchester were I took my Mater. In the years that followed I expertized in media and specifically at 3D Modelling-Animation. I took my second master at NY Film Academy in the sector of direction at 2010. For plenty of years I’ve worked to a wide range of companies (including TV Stations) where I had the chance and the privilege to work next to very high level professionals. Finally I relocate at 2012 in Liverpool were I establish my company Aesthisis which is involved at post productions for small-medium companies, education for young people in the edge of the technology, social media advertisements through the engines of YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter, with our team of expertize who are eligible and glad to improve and extend the abilities and possibilities of your company